Saturday, May 4, 2013


From these assignments, I hope people would realize that first of all, I am Asian and I am capable of writing up a hazardous storm.  People should know that I absolutely love import cars because rice burners could blow away its competition like the other pierce of junk never had a chance!  Anyway, my writing may portray my own figure as laid back or apathetic but please do not confuse me with my best friend, Jake Curtis.  To be inspired to write a story, I have to see the imagination drawn out in a car.

As a creative writer, I have learned that I could write about any story that is based on my Scion tC.  Because my fellow classmates have become overly irritated with my ability to repeat myself, I have spiced up my writing to a variety of subjects.   One thing that I do want to improve my life on is how well I could pick up a multitude of girls in the state of Missouri.  I know that in my current condition, one girl is just not enough no matter how much I believe it will be.  My only issue is that I can pick up distant girls out of the state of Missouri.

 For this class, I’m not sure if these assignments have been much help to my writing because the only issues I have with writing is the whole citation and annotated bibliography because it was never pushed onto me as vital or important.  English has become a vital form of communication for me because of my opportunity living in the United States of America legally.

Compassionate: This word describes everything that everyone knows about me.  I have compassion in everything that I want to do and everything that I have because of the people who raised me and the people who have made the biggest impact in my life.

Honor:  This word is the sole reason why, after a given 5 months, I am still grounded from staying at Jake’s house for one night.  It was probably because I dishonored my parents and in the Asian culture, honor is everything.

Trust:  The entire world depends on the definition and use of this word.  Without this word, seclusion would be the only useful word in the English vocabulary because no one would be able to place responsibility upon anyone else and nothing would be completed.

A Fine Line

The Good
1. My infectious smile
2. My ability to pick up girls
3. My friendly gesture
4. My cheesy lines
5. To work hard towards a goal
6. My humor
7. To cook very well
8. To understand a person’s feelings
9. To copy images really well onto drawings
10. To save a gas saving foot

The Bad
1. Inability to stay with one girl
2. Road rage
3. Impatience with people
4. Uncontrollable rage against thievish customers
5. Sluggish remarks
6. Incredibly annoying hair
7. Inability to see well
8. Inability to speak fluently
9. Rush into things without consent
10. To over exaggerate

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Valuable Lessons

Long distance driving:  It’s not the best idea to drive five hours to spend seven hours with a special someone and drive the other five hours back alone at night. 
Long distance relationships: These kinds of relationships require a lot of trust and hope which if you do not have the patience and are quite needy, please avoid this relationship.
Rumors: If word gets around to you about a certain someone and you have no idea if it’s true or not, don’t spread the disease to make the person look worse than they already are.
Running: Please do not expect to keep up the same pace as a car because you never know when the tires are going to catch you and drag you beneath its undercarriage and eat you alive; or in my case break both of my pelvises.
Karma: what you do and what you say will come back around and bite you back in the rear so don’t wake a sleeping dragon and not expect to get eaten or burnt alive.
Conservation of time: The more time you waste having fun doing things you want to do, the more stress that will build up from all the work you will have to do as a procrastinator. 
Economy Issues: If you do not have the money in the first place, it was not meant to be yours because if you wait, the better will follow, LITERALLY.
Sleep deprivation: The more you sleep, the more you will be able to do the next day and the less obese you will become, it was never the food to begin with anyway.
People:  There are some people out there who take anything they can, steal whatever they want, and damage anything they don’t have.  All I can say is, the next time I see you, expect a bullet in your chest.
Parents: It’s sad to say that living under their house becomes their rule but when you aren’t home, they will literally expand their kingdom to find you, drag you back home, and lock you in their kingdom till the end of time. Kiss your keys good-bye.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating a List and Checking It Twice

People who have influenced me: my mother, my boss, my teachers, televisions shows such as Courage the Cowardly Dog, women, and Steve Jobs.
Places that make me happy: 2013 Scion tC, women, video games, internet, socializing, fires, and parties.
Places I would like to go: United Kingdom, Laos, Hollywood, New York City, Australia, Russia, and North Korea.
Things in people that I like: generosity, honesty, passion, humor, desire, and courage.
Things in people that I dislike: greed, dishonesty, imprudence, ignorance, stupidity, and bland personality.
Things that worry me: homework, busy days at work, climbing to high altitudes (physically), making my Scion tC dirty, deadlines, and being late to places.
Things I would like to know how to do: make sushi, better jokes, how to act more freely, make better choices, fly a plane, and run the country like a president should.
Things that have moved me: how athletic people get into college free while intelligent people only get paid a small amount to go, how people do not understand the benefits of saving, being able to say that I have a new car, music that affects the mood I feel, technology that makes my life a lot easier, and how world leaders think of themselves before the people. 
Things that intrigue me: Scion tC, wise and elderly people, humorous speakers, party animals, professional artists, and mythological creatures.
My personal favorites: Scion tC, dragons, Bruce Lee, beautiful weather, beautiful women, and the internet for socializing purposes. 

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Never Say Good-Bye

I hate to say good bye because it’s never always easy to comprehend the emotions that arise when you know you won’t ever see them again.  Recently I have just met an amazing girl over the weekend and through the two days that we have been with each other; it was a struggle to say the two words to her.  I did not want to believe that it was a permanent leave but rather a new chapter of a better relationship.  My desires have lead me to feel hopeless and defeated when I say good bye because I do not want time to continue to move on but rather stop for my moment to extend with her. For us to go our separate ways was like knowing that a part of my heart was leaving me and never coming back.  It hurt and ached but there wasn’t anything I could do to prevent the pain.  I had to endure the misery of losing love at first sight but if it was meant to be, it would come back.  When it comes to family, family will always be there no matter the situation.  Saying good bye to family does not fulfill my emotions with sadness or pain but with neutral feelings of family love and patronage. Sometimes it is awkward to say good bye to family because you build a memory with their presence and no one wants to forget the good times or let it come to an end.  When I say good bye to friends, there are endless possibilities of what could happen or whatever.  If I know I’m going to see my friends the next day, it’s going to be a regular “see you later” or even “catch you later.”  I know it will not be forever but technology will be able to connect my social life with my friends and tie our memories together once again.  To say good bye to someone I have lost through death is tragic.  It is more meaningful than a girl I have grown affectionate to, for a family member who has created the perfect day with me, or for a friend whom I will not be able to see for a very long time.  Because death is eternal, I will not be able to create new memories with that certain person.  In the short run, I will undergo the stages of depression and grief that everyone goes through but I understand very well that life moves on.  The world will not sit still to grieve over one death because there are more deaths occurring each and every day.  A while back I have lost a friend.  He was always a cheerful and happy lad but it was difficult to understand that the good dies young.  He was only 13 when he passed away and it took me forever to comprehend life.  Life is only meaningful when you create memories with the people you desire to be with. You only live once.

Gone But Never Forgotten

11.       I want to remember the friends I have obtained upon Pierce City.
22.       I want to remember the great egg rolls I make for Book Club. 
33.       I want to remember the time I put into work to achieve the things I want. 
44.        I want to remember the teachers that pushed me to set forward my best.
55.       I want to remember how much I loved sports cars. 
66.       I want to remember the soccer team I once played for.
77.       I want to remember what I looked like now and the changes I will undergo.
88.       I want to remember my girlfriend, before we had our argument. 
99.       I want to remember my first phone before it was stolen.
110.   I want to remember the successful and failed trips that happened my senior year.
111.   I want to remember the achievements I have earned throughout the years.
112.   I want to remember the useless information from my current that may become useful in the future.
113.   I want to remember how it feels like to graduate as the youngest person in my class. 
114.   I want to remember how long hair always made me look good.
115.   I want to remember the horrible memory of prom.
116.   I want to remember my current boss that treats me with the highest respect and goes up and beyond his way to help me succeed.
117.   I want to remember the comfort of having my own bed before having to share again.
118.   I want to remember how procrastinating is not good for my future.
119.   I want to remember my desires that my mother wants for myself and the family.
220.   I want to remember my customs and beliefs bestowed upon me by my parents. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

In Other Words

“I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.”
 – Bruce Lee

“Be like water making its way through cracks. Do not be assertive, but adjust to the object, and you shall find a way around or through it. If nothing within you stays rigid, outward things will disclose themselves.  Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.”
– Bruce Lee

“The things I do for love.”
-Courage, from Courage the Cowardly Dog

“Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears form the eyes of woman.”
-Ludwig Van Beethoven

“Nevertheless the passions, whether violent or not, should never be so expressed as to reach the point of causing disgust; and music, even in situations of the greatest horror, should never be painful to the ear but should flatter and charm it, and thereby always remain music.”
-Wolfgang Mozart

“There are no men who fear their wives. Only men who respect them.”
-Donnie Yen, from Ip Man

“Nobody is #1 forever.”
-Donnie Yen, from Ip man

“I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.”
-Jackie Chan

“Don't try to be like Jackie. There is only one Jackie. Study computers instead.”
-Jackie Chan

“I have no faith in human perfectability. I think that human exertion will have no appreciable effect upon humanity. Man is now only more active - not more happy - nor more wise, than he was 6000 years ago.”
-Edgar Allen Poe